Trial tracking in guidelines surveillance: Case studies




Poster session 4 Saturday: Evidence implementation and evaluation


Saturday 16 September 2017 - 12:30 to 14:00


All authors in correct order:

Penman K1, Alderson P1, White C1, Willett S1, Thornton J1
1 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, United Kingdom
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Judith Thornton

Contact person:

Abstract text
Background: The aim of guideline surveillance is to assess whether guideline recommendations need to be updated. NICE guidelines typically undergo scheduled surveillance every 2-4 years after publication, however, important studies that can impact on the currency of a guideline often publish in the intermediate periods between surveillance reviews.

Objectives: To report on a trial-tracking process introduced into NICE guideline surveillance to respond to individual studies published between scheduled surveillance.

Methods: Individual case studies will be used as examples to describe how a process for tracking trials has been implemented alongside the standard scheduled surveillance process.

Results: We will present our learning and experience of implementing a trial tracking process with a focus on:
• The key steps needed for tracking trials
• The robustness and feasibility of this approach
• Impact on update decisions
• Resource impact

Conclusions: The implications of tracking trials as an additional surveillance approach to inform update decisions will be discussed, specifically focusing on how this process may impact on methods to develop, maintain and evaluate guidelines.

Implications for guideline developers/users: This presentation will describe an approach for tracking and responding to important trials in between guideline surveillance reviews.