When to call upon a working group of experts to produce recommendations using an Accelerated Developed Guidelines (ADG) method?




Long oral session 13: Rapid guideline development


Thursday 14 September 2017 - 14:00 to 15:30


All authors in correct order:

1 Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS); Saint-Denis La Plaine, France
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Abstract text
Background: The ADG method is used by the French Health Authority to produce recommendations in a short period of time (6 months) in a short format (2-page document). These recommendations are developed on the basis of a rigorous method including a systematic review of the literature and the request for stakeholders’ opinion. This method may include a multidisciplinary working group of experts. The choice of method occurs when defining the scope of the guidelines.

Objectives: To identify which features of a topic are relevant in order to opt for an ADG method with or without a working group.

Methods: The scope of three ADGs (one among them involving a working group) was retrospectively analysed regarding existing controversies, the extent of the topic, the need for contextualisation with the French healthcare system, healthcare professionals involved and available literature.

Results: The three ADGs analysed were about: (i) child abuse; (ii) foetal alcohol spectrum disorder; and, (iii) uncomplicated urethritis and cervicitis. For the three ADGs, the topic was targeted and systematic reviews or international clinical guidelines were available. ADG (i) which included the participation of a working group was characterised by no major debate, the need for literature data contextualisation with the French health system and the involvement of many healthcare professionals along with many child-protection organisations, and patients and healthcare users’ organisations. For the ADGs (ii) and (iii), data were sufficient and didn’t involve a transposition into the French context.

Conclusions: An ADG method with a working group may be valuable for topics with the absence of controversy and that nonetheless require a contextual setting of literature data with the French health system.