Plenary 2: Breaking down the silos


Thursday 14 September 2017 - 09:00 to 10:30


BREAKING DOWN THE SILOS: Digital and trustworthy evidence ecosystem

This plenary will set out to understand how explicit links between actors are needed - and now possible - to close the loop between new evidence and improved care, through a culture for sharing evidence combined with advances in methods and technology/platforms for digitally structured data.

Chris Mavergames:
Chris Mavergames is Head of Informatics and Knowledge Management and Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Cochrane. Chris leads Cochrane's technology and knowledge management infrastructure including software and tools for evidence synthesis in health care, websites, and other tools and data services including the Cochrane Linked Data Project. Chris has research interests in machine learning and text mining, semantic technologies, and a passion for metadata.
Keynote title: Evidence Ecosystem concept and advances in evidence synthesis and dissemination

Karen Barnes: 
Karen is a global leading expert who is passionate about improving malaria treatment. She has worked for twenty years on malaria research that includes the comprehensive evaluation of malaria treatment policy changes in Southern Africa, and on improving anti-malarial dosing regimens for vulnerable populations, including young children, pregnant women and patients with HIV/AIDS or malnutrition. Karen leads the Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN) pharmacology group and serves as an advisor to several WHO Expert Groups on malaria.
Keynote title: Evidence production fit for purpose? Sharing data to inform policy and practice – the experience of the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network (WWARN)

Greg Ogrinc: 
Greg Ogrinc is a general internal medicine doctor and serves as the interim Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and as the Associate Chief of Staff for Education at the White River Junction Veterans Hospital in Vermont, USA.  He is an Associate Professor of Medicine and of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.  Greg is the lead author on the Fundamental of Healthcare Improvement textbook that introduces the basics of quality improvement methods.  He is the co-investigator for the revision of the Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE) guidelines, a set of publication guidelines for sharing quality improvement work through published literature.  
Keynote title: Quality improvers up to speed in the ecosystem?

Jonathan Sharples: 
Jonathan is a global expert in brain-science research and works with schools and policy makers to promote evidence-informed practice, and spread knowledge of ‘what works’ in teaching and learning. As a Senior Researcher at the Education Endowment Foundation, from the Institute of Education at University College London, he is exploring schools’ use of research evidence.  Jonathan previously worked at The Institute for the Future of the Mind at the University of Oxford, where he was looking at how insights from brain-science research can support teachers’ expertise and professional development. He is the author of Evidence for the Frontline, a report published by the Alliance for Useful Evidence that outlines the elements of a functioning evidence system.
Keynote title: Ecosystem of evidence for public education. What can we learn from each other?

Threaded special sessions:

Session 4: The inefficiency of isolation: Why evidence providers and evidence synthesisers can break out of their silos

This session will outline the problems of poor primary research and inefficient evidence synthesis, what is being done to address this and how interactions between primary research and evidence synthesis can contribute to an evidence ecosystem. 

Thursday 14 September 2017 - 11:00 to 12:30. To sign-up, click on the title.

Session 5: From reviews to guidelines and point of care evidence use

How the best available evidence makes its way through the Evidence Ecosystem until it is ready for end-users.

Thursday 14 September 2017 - 14:00 to 15:30. To sign-up, click on the title.

Session 6: Implementation, improved care, and back again

This session closes the loop of evidence implementation at the point of care by using patient data to identify specific needs of care, measuring outcomes of delivered care, and iterating this process to continuously collect new evidence and learn what works best.

Thursday 14 September 2017 - 16:00 to 17:30. To sign-up, click on the title.