Systematic reviews of prognostic studies II: Assessing bias in studies of prognostic factors using the QUIPS tool


Workshop session 2: Wednesday, 14:00-15:30

Workshop category: 

  • Methods for conducting syntheses (including different evidence, searching and information retrieval, statistics, assessing methodological quality)


Date and Location


Wednesday 13 September 2017 - 14:00 to 15:30


Contact persons and facilitators

Contact person:


Carl Moons
Lotty Hooft


Hayden J1
1 Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University, Canada
Target audience

Target audience: 

Reviewers with an interest in systematic reviews of prognostic factor studies

Level of difficulty: 

Type of workshop

Type of workshop : 



Objectives: The QUality In Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool is useful and reliable to assess risk of bias in studies of prognostic factors. This workshop will introduce participants to paper and MS Excel versions of the QUIPS tool. We will discuss the development of the tool, and participate in exercises to apply and interpret the tool.
Description: Prognosis is a description of the probable course of individuals with a health condition. Important to prognosis is consideration of factors that are associated with or determine the course of the health condition. Critical appraisal of prognostic studies is challenging, but essential to assess and identify biases sufficiently large to distort study results.
The QUIPS tool supports a systematic appraisal of bias in studies of prognostic factors. It is based on recommendations from a comprehensive review of critical appraisal in prognosis reviews and is informed by epidemiologic principles. Versions of the tool have been successfully used by several research groups with moderate/substantial interrater reliability. Six important areas to evaluate validity prognostic factor studies are considered: participation, attrition, prognostic factor measurement, confounding measurement and account, outcome measurement, and analysis and reporting; the tool includes prompting items related to these six areas with suggestions for operationalization and grading. Participants will gain understanding and experience using the tool.