Evidence synthesis with intern doctors in Cameroon: The case of Cochrane Africa Network - Francophone hub




Poster session 1 Wednesday: Evidence production and synthesis


Wednesday 13 September 2017 - 12:30 to 14:00


All authors in correct order:

1 CDBPS-H, Cameroon
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Patrick Okwen

Contact person:

Abstract text
Background: In partnership with Cochrane African Network, the Centre for the development of best practices in health conducts Cochrane review priorities and provides mentoring and support for resident doctors on Systematic reviews. In fact, very few resident Doctors in Cameroon know about systematic review. Challenges faced by clinicians in Cameroon through systematic reviews Primer courses were first of all the lack of knowledge on the review. There is a problem of access to evidence and a lack of skills in evidence synthesis in general. In addition, the search of evidence is difficult for francophone countries (Senegal, Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast, Congo, CAR, Gabon…) because most of the reviews are in English language.

Objectives: To increase the utilisation of systematic reviews in French-speaking African Countries.

Methods: Participants to systematic reviews primer courses are resident doctors having a clinical practice question. The first step in introducing them to SR is the formulation of PICO based on their clinical practice questions. During the exercise of PICO formulation, many research questions appear to be primary research topics. In order to support resident doctors, a 3-stage primer courses are organise. Each stage is a 1-day workshop: Introduction to SR (step 1), How to use Evidence Assessment (step 2), and classification of clinical questions to develop SR (step 3)

Results: We organised 2 workshops and trained 25 intern doctors, 14 nursing students and 2 specialist doctors. A total of 41 review questions were proposed. Among those review questions, 14 relevant titles which were not answered in full or partially by existing reviews were selected. Within the 14 titles identified, there were 7 PICO questions for effectiveness reviews, 2 PICO questions for Etiology reviews, 1 PICO question for Economic Evaluation Review, 1 PICO question for prevalence Review and 1 PICO question for Diagnostic Tests Accuracy.

Conclusions:The clinical practice questions in Cameroon as in other sub-Saharan countries may be typical to their setting. There is a need to keep working with clinicians to identify knowledge gaps.
