
Privacy of your personal data

Privacy and confidentiality are taken very seriously by Cochrane.

You will not receive ‘spam’ because of visiting this website.

What data we collect

When you view our web pages, we may collect non-personally-identifiable information about your visit, such as your computer’s IP address and pages you visit. Such information may be stored on our servers, or in a ‘cookie’ on your computer, and is used for statistical purposes and to better personalize your subsequent visits to our site. If you enter your email address or password to enter a restricted zone of this site, that data is used only to authenticate your access, and is not stored. If you fill in one or more of our feedback or service signup forms, the data you provide will be used as described in that form.

We will not…

Cochrane does not share information (names, personal information, email addresses) about its users with third-party entities. Where possible, Cochrane aims to honour or exceed the legal requirements for medical/health information privacy in all countries in which we operate. The information we collect about people visiting the site is stored in secure environments that are not available to any other individual or party.


If you have concerns about your data, feel free to contact us at