Globalising knowledge translation: experiences from the evidence to action thematic working group




Short oral session 12: Stakeholder involvement in evidence production, synthesis and use B


Saturday 16 September 2017 - 14:00 to 15:30


All authors in correct order:

Rodriguez D1, Jessani N1
1 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Nasreen Jessani

Contact person:

Abstract text
The Evidence to Action Thematic Working Group (E2ATWG) is one of 10 TWGs established within Health Systems Global (HSG),  the first international membership organisation fully dedicated to promoting health systems research (HSR) and knowledge translation (KT). E2ATWG is critical for galvanising momentum, both within HSG and in the field, in moving E2A and KT forward - particularly as the Sustainable Development Goals provide a new pathway to encourage evidence-informed policy. In this presentation we highlight how a global membership presents exciting opportunities for activities, such as creating a global inventory of KT initiatives, and channels for engagement (e.g. webinars, Twitter chats, etc.). We also discuss how being part of a diverse, international and multicultural society presents important challenges, like ensuring language inclusion, and contextual considerations particularly for capacity strengthening. We share experiences of the E2ATWG since its inception (~3 years) and invite colleagues to contribute to the discussions about the value of such groups and their potential for individual, institutional and network influence.