Integrating guidelines and evaluations: The Swedish model for improving adherence to national guidelines in Parkinson’s Disease




Poster session 3 Friday: Evidence Tools / Evidence synthesis - creation, publication and updating in the digital age


Friday 15 September 2017 - 12:30 to 14:00


All authors in correct order:

Zingmark P1, Karlén A1, Gustafsson V1, Svanhagen A1
1 The National Board of Health and Welfare, Sweden
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Alexandra Karlén

Contact person:

Abstract text
Background: The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare works with the aim to establish good and equal healthcare in Sweden. In a decentralised healthcare system national guidelines provide steering. Further information on improvement areas from a steering perspective can, however, be achieved by combining the guidelines with indicators for assessments, target-levels and an evaluation of current performance using national patient registries.

Objectives:The aim is to establish good and equal healthcare in Sweden by increased adherence to the guideline for Parkinson’s Disease.

Methods: A standardised, systematic and transparent process to develop the guideline, which includes a body of scientific evidence with prioritised recommendations, indicators with target-levels and a national assessment and evaluation was used. These processes involve patients, professionals and decision-makers in the health care system. Evaluation was done based on different nationwide patient registries together with directed questionnaires.

Results: A guideline for Parkinson’s Disease with indicators for assessment, target-levels and a nation-wide evaluation was developed and published.

Conclusions:The integrated work provides best-available knowledge on methods to use but also on current performance in a healthcare area. As such it is a very valuable tool for health care providers working with development and improvement of healthcare.