A linked evidence synthesis evaluating mental health interventions for children with long-term conditions: Communicating implications for policy and practice




Poster session 4 Saturday: Evidence implementation and evaluation


Saturday 16 September 2017 - 12:30 to 14:00


All authors in correct order:

Moore D1, Shaw L1, Nunns M1, Rogers M1, Garside R1, Ukoumunne O1, Shafran R2, Heyman I2, Ford T1, Dickens C1, Walker E2, Titman P3, Anderson R1, Viner R2, Bennett S2, Logan S1, Thompson-Coon J1
1 University of Exeter, United Kingdom
2 University College London, United Kingdom
3 Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Presenting author and contact person

Presenting author:

Darren Moore

Contact person:

Abstract text
Background: We have recently completed a project which involved two linked systematic reviews and an overarching synthesis evaluating the effectiveness and experiences of mental health interventions for children and young people (CYP) with long-term physical conditions.

Objectives: To work with evidence end-users to i) highlight implications for future intervention development and implementation; and, ii) facilitate communication to key target audiences.

Methods: A range of tools were used to help communicate co-created key messages from the systematic reviews and promote practice change including i) a line of argument diagram summarising findings from the meta-ethnography; ii) an overarching synthesis bringing together the findings from the reviews of effectiveness and experience; iii) a podcast incorporating the voices of evidence end-users; iv) plain language summaries for incorporation in newsletters;-and, iv) digital summaries of the findings using a variety of formats.

Results: Evidence end-users welcomed the opportunity to engage in the production of a variety of dissemination tools. A project advisory group including young people and parents co-produced podcasts and summaries of the research. A range of consultation events with end-users allowed us to highlight implications in the meta-ethnography and overarching synthesis. Early indications are that the methods used have improved the communication of useful and relevant messages to those most able to ensure that our review findings make a difference to CYP with long term physical conditions and mental ill health.

Conclusions: Our syntheses identified a number of implications for future intervention development and implementation. Involving evidence end-users in the interpretation of findings and the production of dissemination tools facilitated communication of key messages.