Background: How to get evidence into practice is a continuous challenge. The current focus is mainly on advanced methods of evidence synthesis more suitable for practice, as well as improving guideline adherence. But also, the absence of evidence should be of concern. Like in other countries a substantial part of the recommendations in Dutch guidelines is based on low- level evidence. Research should be done on a wide scale to solve the knowledge gaps in guidelines and thereby determine which healthcare is most effective under the given circumstances. This will create value for patients.
Methods: Given the large number of knowledge gaps in medical practice, it is important to prioritise them in an agenda for research. Extensive involvement of medical specialists, patients, hospitals and healthcare insurers in prioritising and in conducting studies ensure that the results of studies become widely accepted and quickly implemented in daily practice.
This approach is part of Choosing Wisely Netherlands Campaign, which aims to stimulate effective care.
Results: At this moment 10 of the 30 societies of medical specialists in The Netherlands have established an agenda for research on the basis of knowledge gaps in guidelines. These agendas have lead to several research studies, some of which have already led to updated guidelines. At the Summit, we will give an example pertaining to adenotonsillectomy (ATE).
Conclusions: This method is promising for improved underpinning of medical practice and therefore stimulates evidence-based healthcare in The Netherlands. In addition, this method also stimulates effective care and yields health benefits for patients.