Background:In January 2017 we began conducting a HTA for a potential UK lung cancer screening programme. Prior to commencing, we consulted public participants in order to elicit a wide variety of perspectives to enhance the quality and relevance of our HTA research.
Objectives:To incorporate public views in the HTA process and assess impact, particularly on the systematic review and economic model.
Methods:Three workshops, targeting different groups, and a community drop-in session were conducted. Workshops consisted of an introduction to HTA, a facilitated session using a chart to elicit views on outcomes relevant to screening and a final facilitated session using visual models of published research to explore and extend personal attitudes to lung cancer screening. Following ethical approval all workshops were audio recorded and transcribed. This enabled an inductive thematic analysis of all meetings. An ethnographic approach was employed to assess impact, with self-reflective and observational field notes taken throughout the HTA process.
Results:The workshop format successfully elicited public views that were relevant to the HTA process and which broadened the perceptions of the wider HTA team. Participants shared their experiences and a variety of views were expressed in the workshops. This provided common themes as well as variability. Transcript textual data was reduced into themes and interpreted into an analytical framework which was member checked by PPI researchers, HTA researchers and a PPI representative. Transferability was confirmed by clinical experts during a stakeholder meeting. We present results of the thematic analysis and an assessment of its impact on the lung cancer screening HTA, including the systematic review and economic model.
Conclusions: HTA researchers took an active role in design and facilitation of public involvement workshops and undertook a thematic analysis of all transcripts. This increased HTA researcher’s sensitivity to public views, facilitated sharing of public views across the HTA research project team and with clinical advisor stakeholders, thus maximising impact in the HTA process.