Involving people in society and healthcare


Participants will be able to:

  • gain an overview of different approaches to PPI the wide range of health and social research and policy settings; 
  • contribute to the discussion of similarities and differences in approaches, exploring issues of language, culture, values, goals and other factors that affect the practice of PPI; and,
  • help identify areas for future development and opportunities for collaboration.

Patient and public involvement and engagement in health and social care research, and guideline development, is an important global movement, adding value and legitimacy to research and knowledge transfer practice. It is well established in some areas of research, organisations and countries, and developing in many others.

The Global Evidence Summit offers an opportunity to bring together organisations and individuals active in health and social research, and guideline development to share approaches, learn from one another, critically examine our practice, and to identify ways of collaborating in the future to maximise our effectiveness.

1. Representatives of five key GES partner organisations will briefly present a structured response to key questions about their approach to involving patients and the public in their work. Written material will be provided ahead of the session (15 minutes).
2. The patient voice will be represented in a presentation about their experience of involvement (10 minutes).
3. Using a ‘World Café’ approach, facilitated discussion will take place around the following questions: (10 minutes per session, total 40 minutes).

  • Which values and goals may support successful PPI?
  • What does meaningful patient and public involvement in health and social research and guideline development look like? 
  • What do organisations and individuals need to make meaningful involvement a reality? 
  • How can organisations work together to broaden and deepen patient and public involvement?

Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences, learn from others, and identify practical actions, noting how we work in complex organisational environments, across the research cycle, and in global environment made up of different health and research approaches, diverse cultures, languages, incomes, technology and practice of patient and public involvement. 

4. Plenary - World Café facilitators will briefly feedback three key points from their sessions.
5. Launch of the new International Network for Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Health and Social Care Research.


Target audience: 

People with an interest in involving patients and the public in research and guideline development (PPI), including policy makers, consumers, researchers and others.

Type of session: 


Other contributors:

Marshall C1, Schaeffer C2, White H3, Lytvyn L4
1 Cochrane,
2 Guidelines International Network,
3 Campbell Collaboration,
4 Magic,


Saturday 16 September 2017 - 14:00 to 15:30
