Research synthesis and guideline development at the World Health Organization

Friday 15 September 2017 - 12:30 to 14:00


Contact person

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Meeting details

Restricted or open meeting: 


Intended audience: 

Individuals and organizations that perform systematic reviews or who develop guidelines who may be interested in contributing to WHO’s work.


This session will benefit individuals and organizations that perform systematic reviews or who develop guidelines who may be interested in contributing to WHO’s work. It will also benefit end-users of WHO guidelines who wish to understand the processes, methods and quality assurance procedures at WHO. This session is aimed at participants with any level of knowledge. This is an informal lunch-time session with a brief slide presentation of the WHO guideline process followed by an open discussion. Objectives: - to present an overview of WHO guideline development processes and quality control procedures; and - to discuss opportunities for individuals and organizations to get involved with guideline development, dissemination and adoption. Description The session will begin with a short presentation on why and how WHO guidelines are developed and the role of the WHO Guidelines Review Committee, with a discussion of practical aspects of contracting with WHO, including opportunities, benefits, and challenges. This will be followed by an informal discussion and question-and-answer session focusing on the experiences of attendees with working with WHO and how individuals with a broad range of skill sets can become involved.