Evidence to action: Start with the action

This session is linked to Plenary 1: EVIDENCE FOR AFRICA: How evidence is changing communities across one continent 

How to ensure that research and evidence synthesis results make a difference?

The Consortium for Effective Health Care, going back 20 years, has a single performance indicator that our funder measures us on: To increase the number of decisions in the health sector based on reliable evidence. To achieve this, we start with the action or decision that is anticipated and uses this to steer our priorities. It’s important to actively consider our customers’ needs to inform review portfolios, informing which reviews are done, and how they are done, in relation to the emerging policy windows. There are times too when the science and the evidence may need to challenge the beliefs, and influencing decisions in these areas is more complicated.  

A variety of presenters and projects will share our work and their experiences.

HIV and qualitative synthesis

Dr Ingrid Wilson, HIV clinician and researcher in Cape Town, and HIV Cochrane editor

Ingrid describes her work in qualitative synthesis to help inform policies for good adherence to antiretroviral treatment. This came out of the inadequacy of trials to help inform adherence promotion in Africa.

Malaria chemotherapy guidelines: partnership to improve policy

Dr Joseph Okebe, clinician and malaria research specialist in The Gambia, and malaria Cochrane editor

Joseph outlines the partnership with the World Health Organization malaria chemotherapy group in providing evidence and methods development over the last 20 years.

Mass drug deworming: improves a country’s economic development?

Dr Sophie Jullien, paediatrician working in Bhutan and Cochrane author

Sophie critically appraised some iconic long term development economics studies, found evidence of repeated and iterative statistical testing. Her work challenges the mantra that deworming children boosts a country’s economic development.

INDEX-TB guidelines: India leads standards in extrapulmonary TB

Dr Neerja Nischal, assistant professor at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, with Dr Hannah Ryan, TB Cochrane editor

The Indian Government led TB guideline development, and a team from the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group responded with focused reviews and updates to guide the panel, and helped assure strong methodological processes.

MVA85A TB vaccine trial in animals: used in translation decisions?

Dr Rufaro Kashangura, medical officer in Swaziland and Cochrane author

Rufaro carried out a systematic review of animal experimentation studies that highlighted areas of poor practice in the reporting of animal studies for a new TB vaccine. The implications of this review are wide, and extend to the need for prospective animal protocols and registers being available, better reporting and timely publication of results.


Target audience: 

People that produce systematic reviews, fund them, or use them. People that organize systematic review production and guidelines. People interested in approaches to guideline development at national level.

Type of session: 

This session will share experiences and lessons learnt in conducting evidence synthesis through starting with the action or decision that it is anticipated the evidence will inform. Presenters from various regions who have been involved in various types of synthesis will be sharing their experience in responsive review conduct.

Other contributors:

Wilson I1, Okebe J2, Jullien S3, Nischal N4, Kashangura R5
1 , South Africa
2 , The Gambia
3 , Bhutan
4 , India
5 , Swaziland


Wednesday 13 September 2017 - 16:00 to 17:30

