Submission is closed
The call for workshop proposals closed on the 15 March 2017. Standard workshops held during the Global Evidence Summit will run for 90 minutes.
We are looking forward to an exciting workshop programme, bringing participants together for hands-on, practical learning and collaboration on a range of engaging topics.
The Summit is intended as an inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary event exchanging ideas about how we best generate, summarize and communicate evidence to inform policy and practice. We anticipate input from a multitude of perspectives including education, social policy and practice, criminal justice, environment, gender, health, health systems and clinical care and practice.
Submissions were invited in the following categories:
- Evidence production: Workshops concerning primary research production
- Priority setting for primary research to meet global priorities
- Global health, equity, social and economic policy and practice
- Real world evidence (pragmatic trials, big data)
- Improving conduct and reporting of primary research (including teaching and learning)
- Consumer and patient involvement in primary research
- Funding primary research
- Evidence synthesis: Workshops concerning different forms of research synthesis: overviews, scoping reviews, systematic reviews, etc.
- Priority setting for syntheses to meet global priorities
- Global health, equity, social and economic policy and practice
- Methods for conducting syntheses (including different evidence, searching and information retrieval, statistics, assessing methodological quality)
- Improving conduct and reporting of syntheses (including teaching and learning)
- Synthesis creation, publication and updating in the digital age
- Consumer and patient involvement in syntheses
- Funding syntheses
- Evidence tools: Workshops concerning guidelines and other knowledge translation methods and tools
- Priority setting for evidence tools to meet local and global priorities
- Evidence literacy, social media, science journalism
- Evidence tools for consumers and to promote shared decision making
- Evidence tools for policy makers and civil society
- Case studies of models for successful engagement with policy and practice
- Guideline development, adaptation, assessment and updating
- Health technology assessment
- Evidence implementation and evaluation: Workshops concerning getting evidence into policy and practice
- Priority setting for implementation to meet local and global priorities
- Enhancing the implementability of evidence tools
- Design and evaluation of dissemination and implementation programmes
- Quality improvement methods and performance measures
- Building capacity for dissemination and implementation
- Measuring policy and practice impact
- Advocating for evidence
Tips for successful workshops
Your workshop should have clearly stated goals, include a high level of interaction with participants, and provide a structured plan appropriate for the length of your workshop.
- Think about current topics and issues that impact on Global Evidence Summit participants – the quality of evidence, methods developments, new tools and techniques, engagement with readers.
- Not everything has to be new – participants also love good communicators who teach the basics well. We expect many participants will be relative beginners, so we are particularly encouraging people to submit ideas for interactive and entertaining workshops covering the fundamentals.
- Include hands-on work and practical examples of good practice – and maybe add some fun or a new interactive format to shake things up.
- Plan for your discussions to be well-structured and useful – stay on track, and make sure you have a good facilitator to guide discussions arising from topics on the day.
- Avoid lectures – if in a 90-minute workshop you have more than 10 slides before starting an interactive component, you have too many!
- If you've offered a workshop in the same format before, why not refresh it this year?
- If you’re running a series, make it clear whether people need to attend prior parts of the series, and where there might be overlap. We will name sequential workshops accordingly, e.g. 'part 1 of 2'.
- Consider the size and room requirements of your workshop. We have rooms with tables accommodating up to 50 participants. Larger rooms will generally be set up with theatre style seating.
- Proposals that primarily present the results of a research project should be submitted as oral or poster presentations. Proposals that primarily involve unstructured discussion should be scheduled as meetings.
All facilitators of accepted workshops are required to register and attend the conference. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw workshops if facilitators have not registered for the Global Evidence Summit by 1 July.
Workshops Sub-Committee
The Workshops Sub-Committee Co-Chairs are Ameer Hohlfeld and Aimee Stewart. They can be contacted at