A panoramic view of rapid reviews: Uses and perspectives from global collaborations and networks

To exchange ideas about how rapid reviews have evolved as a useful information tool to support evidence-informed policy and practice.


  1. Participants will have the opportunity for information sharing with rapid review producers, decision-makers and providers, and representatives from organizations interested in rapid reviews; 
  2. Participants will have the possibility to discuss all aspects regarding the production and application of rapid reviews; 
  3. Participants will have a platform to discuss current and future research aims in order to advance the science of rapid review methods.

This session is a platform for various international groups and collaborations to convey their experiences with RRs through various lenses including those of systematic review producers, guideline developers, and those undertaking RRs specific to health policy, in particular for LMICs. We will have 6 rapid presentations by representatives from the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group (RRMG), Cochrane Response, Campbell Collaboration/ International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), Guidelines-International-Network (G-I-N), WHO Guideline Review Committee, and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice. This will be followed by a 30-minute panel discussion involving audience participation with the aim to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using RRs to inform decisions, to learn about other ongoing RR initiatives, and to provide insight for those considering the use of RRs in their contexts. A standard set of questions will be used to guide the discussion. Our anticipated outcome is to showcase the relevance of rapid reviews, and to harness interest in growing a network of those involved with this type of knowledge synthesis methodology.


Target audience: 

Individuals and groups from across various sectors with an interest in generating or using evidence from rapid reviews. The session is appropriate for any level (basic).

Type of session: 

Mixture of short presentations (2/3) and interactive discussion (1/3) with attendees (rapid review stakeholders).

Other contributors:

Akl E1
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Wednesday 13 September 2017 - 16:00 to 17:30
