Rapid reviews to strengthen health policy and systems

The specific learning objectives are to:

  1. Identify different rapid review methods that can be used in various contexts for health policy and systems research.
  2. Discuss the usefulness of rapid reviews for providing actionable and relevant evidence to make informed decisions about health policy and systems in emergency, as well as routine contexts.
  3. Describe how to develop a plan to conduct rapid reviews on health policy and systems research using the Rapid Review Practical Guide.

Welcome and Introductions (20 minutes): The session will start with welcoming remarks and an introduction to the Rapid Reviews to Strengthen Health Policy and Systems: A Practical Guide book, followed by a brief explanation from a policy maker on using rapid reviews to support health system decision making.

Presentations (65 minutes): This session will be broken into 3 different sections: 1) Rapid review methods, 2) Engaging knowledge users in rapid reviews, and 3) Building capacity and disseminating rapid reviews. Each of these sections will begin with recommendations from the lead authors of the Rapid Review Guide, followed by practical examples on how to apply these recommendations by representatives from three Alliance Review Centres established in low- and middle-income settings. Finally, participants will break into groups of 5-10 to discuss how the recommendations relate to their own HPSR rapid reviews. Facilitators will circulate the room to help people think through these plans.

Wrap-up (5 mins): The session will conclude with remarks from the lead facilitators. 


Target audience: 

Researchers and policy makers with a basic level of knowledge in knowledge synthesis

Type of session: 

Presentations and group work.

Other contributors:

Cloete K1, El-Jardali F1, Akl E1, Anthony J1, M Ashoor H1, Courvoisier M1, Kelly S1, Odendaal W1, Pham B1
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Thursday 14 September 2017 - 16:00 to 17:30
