1) Increase understanding of core outcome sets (COS), how they are developed, and current levels of uptake;
2) Appreciate issues related to stakeholder involvement;
3) Use the COS-STAD tool for critical appraisal;
4) Consider their role in the development and uptake of COS.
A COS is an agreed standardised collection of outcomes to be measured and reported, as a minimum, in all research for a specific clinical area. The credibility of a COS depends on the use of sound methodology in its development, and, transparent reporting of the processes adopted. To influence policy and practice, the outcomes need to be relevant and important to key stakeholders. This session will address issues related to how systematic reviewers, guideline developers, HTA organisations and other policy makers can appraise and make use of COS and the COMET database.
The workshop will comprise:
1) a talk introducing COS and the COMET database (10 min);
2) interactive discussion regarding stakeholder involvement (10 min);
3) a talk describing methods of COS development, including COS-STAD (10 min);
4) small group exercise - critical appraisal of selected COS (40 min);
5) facilitated discussion on the role of the participants in COS development and uptake (20 min).