Introduction to ROBIS, a tool to assess the risk of bias in a systematic review


Workshop session 7: Friday, 11:00-12:30

Workshop category: 

  • Methods for conducting syntheses (including different evidence, searching and information retrieval, statistics, assessing methodological quality)


Date and Location


Friday 15 September 2017 - 11:00 to 12:30


Contact persons and facilitators

Contact person:


Penny Whiting
Rachel Churchill
Target audience

Target audience: 

Review authors, in particular those working on or interested in conducting overviews; open to all Colloquium participants

Level of difficulty: 

Type of workshop

Type of workshop : 



Objectives: To introduce ROBIS, a recently developed tool to assess the risk of bias in a systematic review (i.e. assessing the risk of bias in the review itself not the primary studies included in the review) and to provide participants with the opportunity to use ROBIS.

The workshop will be split into two sessions:

Introduction to ROBIS:
The first session will be a brief overview of the development and structure of ROBIS. We will discuss the process used to develop ROBIS (rationale and scope, development of the evidence base, generation of items for consideration, face-to-face meeting and piloting/evaluation). We will then present the final tool and background document and illustrate how to apply it.

Applying ROBIS
The second session will provide participants with the opportunity to apply ROBIS to an example review. We will split participants into smaller groups and each group will assess the example review according to one or two of the ROBIS domains. We will then regroup to feedback the results of the assessment to the wider group and to discuss any issues that arose during the assessment process.